• We hope you have enjoyed reading this latest issue of WINDOID and have found it to be interesting and informative. We care enough to take the time to give you the most up-to-date information about HyperCard, and we would like to make a request for a little of your time. There is a form that follows this editorial; please fill it out if you will. We are very interested in hearing from you. What sort of stacks are you using, what kind of stacks are you creating, and what are your joys and frustrations in using HyperCard?
You have the unique opportunity to communicate directly with Bill, Dan, and the entire HyperCard development team. We really want to know what you would like to see in HyperCard and are more than willing to give you what you want. What we need to make this happen is your input. Let us know what you think. We can address it in WINDOID or perhaps the next revision of HyperCard. You can make a difference in the world by communicating with us. Don't pass up the opportunity! •